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Saudi Aramco Cybersecurity Compliance Certification (CCC) – SACS-002

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company, commonly known as Saudi Aramco, issued the SACS-002 Third Party Cybersecurity Standard (CCC) in May 2020. This standard aims to establish the minimum cybersecurity requirements for Saudi Aramco Third Parties, ensuring the protection of Saudi Aramco from potential cyber threats and strengthening the security posture of these Third Parties

The SACS-002 (CCC) applies to all Third Parties that engage with Saudi Aramco through contractual agreements. It defines general requirements that are applicable to all Third Parties, as well as more specific requirements for those engaging in ICT-oriented services such as network connectivity, outsourced infrastructure, critical data processing, or software customization

The SACS-002 (CCC) is divided into two main sections: General Requirements and Specific Requirements. These sections outline the necessary measures and guidelines to be followed by Third Parties in order to meet the cybersecurity standards set by Saudi Aramco

Aramco Cybersecurity Compliance Certificate (CCC) Support

For contractors or organizations wishing to work with Saudi Aramco, there are providers that offer technical infrastructure support to obtain a cybersecurity compliance certificate for Aramco. These providers assist in preparing the necessary infrastructure and facilitate the process of obtaining the certificate for your facilities in a timely manner and at the lowest possible cost.

It’s important to note that the SACS-002 (CCC) is the standard that defines the cybersecurity requirements, while the compliance certificate is the result of meeting those requirements. The certificate serves as evidence that the Third Party has implemented the necessary cybersecurity measures as outlined in the SACS-002 (CCC)

Aramco Cybersecurity Auditing and Certification Providers

To ensure compliance with the SACS-002 (CCC) and obtain the cybersecurity compliance certificate, organizations can seek the assistance of auditing and certification providers. These providers specialize in evaluating the cybersecurity measures implemented by Third Parties and verifying their compliance with the Saudi Aramco standards.

By engaging with these auditing and certification providers, organizations can undergo thorough assessments of their cybersecurity practices and receive guidance on any necessary improvements to meet the requirements set by Saudi Aramco.


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