
Master these best practices to create content that will stand out in 2024, increase search traffic, and engage with your audience.

Creating high-quality, useful content to increase search traffic is more critical than ever.

There is nothing worse than putting your heart and mind into a fantastic guide or blog post that no one ever sees, or producing low-quality content that disappoints or alienates your target audience.

Standing out from the crowd necessitates striking a careful balance between optimizing content for search and crafting pieces that actually connect with consumers. 

This thorough book will coach you through the necessary procedures to strike this balance, ensuring that your content ranks highly and offers true value to your audience.

Follow along and check off each step as you go to develop content that search engines and readers will enjoy.

Step 1: Optimize your content strategy for search

Your SEO and content strategies should compliment one another. A balanced strategy is preferable for good search engine results, since relying too heavily on one or the other may reduce your percentage of organic visitors.  

Content marketing is a competitive game, so make sure your article is memorable or “sticky.” A good method to go over this is to use the “Made to Stick SUCCESS model” to guarantee your material has as many of these characteristics as possible:

  • Simple.
  • Unexpected.
  • Concrete. 
  • Credible. 
  • Emotional. 
  • Stories. 

High-quality, useful content: 

  • Understands your audience while taking search data into consideration. At its core, excellent content is produced for people, but it also performs well in search, allowing your audience to find it. Here are some tips for writing for both people and search engines. 
  • Assists the reader with one specific task: Be thorough and focused. If you have too much to say, try using a hub and spoke approach with a series of interrelated pieces. 
  • Connects to additional stuff. Consider how a proposed topic ties to previous material or upcoming items.
  • Guides your readers to take action: Consider the stage of the user’s journey you are helping and assist them accordingly.
  • Is sticky? How will your audience remember your content? Does it contain any standout or distinctive aspects that help it stick in people’s minds?

strategy checklist

Step 2: Research and design helpful content

SEO is only effective with extensive study, which should assist define your ideas before you begin writing content

Beyond search traffic, analytics may help you better understand your target audience. 

Before you start writing content for search engines or consumers, you need do:

  • Keyword research: Understanding the search queries related to your issue will help you understand more about your target audience while also providing a strong basis for your search engine marketing. 
  • Audience research: What are your users’ concerns and challenges? What is their path like? There are several methods to understand the individuals for whom you are generating content, but it is critical to keep them in mind when writing. 
  • User intent analysis: Creating material that does not fit the search intent is likely to result in failure. Before you begin, understand what people are searching for and ensure that you meet their demands.
  • Entity research: On-page SEO involves more than simply keywords. To optimize search results, you must first identify the links that exist between your topic and others.
  • Content gap analysis: Identifying areas where your website or piece of content falls short of the competition is a very important market research activity. 
  • An overview of the useful content guidelines: Follow Google’s recommendations for providing useful and credible information. The better you grasp what search engines seek, the higher your chances of success.

Research checklist

Step 3: Human vs. AI content generation

AI is not a substitute for human input when it comes to content creation, and high-quality material always need it. The majority of today’s content is likely created using both people and artificial intelligence, and a combined approach can be beneficial. 

If you employed AI for content production, you should: 

  • Personalize and humanize: Make sure it has a human element. Include personal experience, unique insights, and even emotional elements when appropriate. Learn how to make your AI content sound more human.  
  • Fact-check: AI is data-driven and writes according to common patterns rather than information accuracy. It cannot yet validate its assertions, therefore fact-check any AI-generated information. If you post inaccurate material, you risk jeopardizing your or your company’s image. 
  • Check for bias: Thoroughly evaluate your material for any bias produced by the use of artificial intelligence.  
  • Check for overuse of keywords or specific phrases: AI-generated content frequently repeats specific phrases and keywords. This can have an impact on the entire vibe of your work, making it look mechanical to readers and reducing its chances of success.

Human vs AI checklist

Step 4: Create correct, accessible and readable content

When working on content, there are key fundamentals that should not be overlooked. Good spelling, grammar, and readability are essential. 

Helpful, high-quality material should always be:

  • Spelling and grammatical faults are not directly affecting your chances of ranking, but they do damage trust and credibility. Proofreading is essential, and you should have others examine your work as well. 
  • Easy to follow and read: This benefits users while also making your material more search engine friendly. Search engines parse text, and complex sentence patterns may lose significance as they are more difficult to comprehend. 
  • Structured well: Content should have suitable headers and layout. This will allow skim readers to quickly and easily access the information they are seeking for. It is also useful for folks who use screen readers, ensuring that it stays accessible to everyone.    
  • Enticing to click on: Do not overlook the title tag and meta description. While meta descriptions are not a ranking element, they are an important way to make your content stand out on search engine results pages. 
  • Up to date: Make sure your facts, statistics, and references are up to date to make your article relevant.

READABILITY and Accessibility checklist

Step 5: Keyword and entity usage

If you have followed the stages above, you will have a research-based content plan with plenty of relevant keywords. However, you might still fall into classic pitfalls, like as focusing too much on a single keyword or overusing search phrases.   

Helpful, high-quality web content should:

  • Make natural use of keywords: Avoid overusing your target term. Avoid keyword stuffing by aiming for natural usage. If a word or phrase does not feel natural, do not try to make it work.
  • Include synonyms and close variants: There are numerous ways of saying the same thing. Using analogous words can make your work more diverse and intriguing while avoiding repetition. 
  • Include relevant terms: Every topic contains a list of related terms that are commonly used together. This frequency of use aids in contextualization, allowing search engines to better comprehend your meaning. 
  • Use key entities and related entities: The “things” that are relevant to your topic can assist you in creating a more accurate, complete, or well-rounded website. Entity SEO assists search engines by giving context and disambiguation, allowing you to optimize content more effectively.

Keyword and entity checklist

Step 6: Consider E-E-A-T

Strong E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) can have a significant impact on SEO success. Trustworthy and authoritative content should: 

  • Show experience: Use author bios, “checked by” references, or personal experience to identify the author and publisher entities behind your work. Use first-hand experience and first-person pronouns where appropriate; a recent study indicated a substantial association between these factors and SEO effectiveness. 
  • Demonstrate expertise: Create detailed, accurate text that demonstrates your thorough understanding of a topic. Go beyond the surface and provide insight and information that only subject matter specialists are likely to have. 
  • Build authority: In order to establish your authority in a specific field, your content must be on-topic. Create something that others will most likely refer to for an extra boost of authority. 
  • Be reliable and transparent: Keep things simple and open. Avoid misleading others or making assertions you cannot back up. Be clear about who created the content.

E-E-A-T Checklist

Step 7: Add multimedia elements

Depending on your topic, different media may help to enrich your material for readers while also improving your SEO efforts. 

Check the search engines to check what kind of material are already ranking for a specific search query. Perhaps video or visual stuff is popular. 

If such is the case, include some original video or graphics in your content wherever possible. Consider if your pages could benefit from:

  • Images: Images  can inspire and improve text-heavy content. However, stock photos can have a detrimental impact on search rankings, so use them wisely rather than simply to fill space.
  • Diagrams and graphics: When words are insufficient, a visual or diagram can be used to supplement the information. Take instructions, for example; it can be easier to observe how something works than to read the words alone. 
  • Video: Video is ideal for “how to’s,” demonstrating a product or procedure in greater depth, or assisting consumers in visualizing any type of movement. When used properly, video may be a very effective tool to enhance material. 
  • Audio: Although less commonly employed, audio features can enhance storytelling or elicit an emotional reaction to complement written content.

MULTIMEDIA checklist

Step 8: A piece of a bigger picture

Every piece of content is tied to another. Great content will expand your area of expertise and connect to other pieces of information on your website. 

It will also include references from other reliable sources on a certain topic. Over time, it may become a piece that people refer to.

When developing content, it is crucial to consider:

  • Internal linking: How is this piece related to other stuff you have created? Have you included internal links, connected relevant sites, and made it easy for visitors to browse to additional pages that will help them along their journey?
  • External linking: Are any facts, data, or quotes accompanied by links to the original sources? Are there any other valuable resources by specialists that could provide additional information for your readers?
  • Backlink Potential: Even in the early stages, think about your target audience and whether you can get backlinks from other websites. Have you included any original information or quotes? Perhaps you have a distinct viewpoint, new skills, or perhaps artwork that distinguishes your content. 
  • Is it shareable?: Social media can help you reach a wider audience. Have you developed something that others will want to share, and have you made it simple for them to do so?


Step 9: Technical SEO content issues

While technical SEO faults can influence your entire site, there are a few specific ones to keep an eye out for to help optimize SEO performance. As a fast overview, you should ensure that:

  • Content loads quickly: Optimize photos and ensure that other media files do not slow down the content’s performance.
  • Displays well on mobile devices: With a responsive website, this should not be an issue. However, verify how your content appears and responds on mobile. You may need to break up long blocks of material or improve formatting. Ensure that all elements can still be easily clicked.  
  • Page is included in the site’s XML sitemap, which helps search engine crawlers find and analyze the material.
  • URLs are descriptive: Use words instead of non-descript digits or letters in URLs. 
  • Content passes the Core Web Vitals: You should check and repair any issues with fundamental web vitals, which are both an indicator of user experience and a ranking determinant. 
  • Includes the relevant schema markup: Include markup for entities, FAQs, reviews, and article features like as authorship and publication date. Keep it relevant, though; do not include structured data markup that has nothing to do with the content on the page.


Step 10: Review and rework

The best material never ends. The world evolves quickly, leaving internet content that is out of current, erroneous, or, worse, misleading. It is critical to be aware of this and examine your content frequently. 

Here are some important times to review your content: 

  • Create a schedule: It could be as easy as having your own predetermined timeframe for reviewing information. Depending on how fast your sector moves, this could be monthly, quarterly, or even annually. 
  • Keep an eye on the industry updates: Any significant changes in your sector may result in erroneous information or the creation of new areas that should be included in your material.  
  • Evaluate after internal modifications: Internal company updates can also have an impact. Perhaps you stopped selling a specific product, shifted your internal focus, or added new services to your portfolio. Good material should appropriately reflect this. 
  • Assess after Google algorithm updates: When search engine algorithms are altered, it is usually a good idea to check how this affects your content. For further information, see Other Things to Do After A Core Update.

AUDIT checklist

Why content quality matters

Today’s search results are at risk of becoming cluttered with AI-generated information.

It is also more competitive than ever, because to the ability to develop faster than ever before. That is why the quality of your material is important. If it is high-quality and useful, it is likely to: 

  • Rank higher and attract more visitors to your website.
  • Fulfill a requirement so that people are satisfied and can move through their user journey.
  • Increase your authority to establish trust and confidence in your business, both online and offline. 
  • Increase brand visibility by gradually expanding your presence and developing something important in your niche. 
  • Gain your audience’s trust by being truly helpful, and even if you are not making a sale right now, you are likely to be the place they go when they are ready to move forward. 

Finally, quality material is about your reputation. However, it is also necessary for acquiring a competitive advantage in search engine results pages.

Next time you are optimizing content, remember to think beyond keyword suggestions and consider the overall picture.
